Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The New Garden

We took some time off from the construction projects on Saturday afternoon to plant bulbs in the new garden and transplant perennials.

We have high hopes that the chicken-wire cage will keep the squirrels from digging up all of the bulbs over the winter.

It has:

You can't see them yet, but these are Italicum Arum.

I also got a new electric stapler out of the deal.


jjp said...

Tara found a pamphlet like book from BYU that talks about the 120 or so different types of trees on campus, and has pictures of what they look like. We'll send it with Drew...

~ Amy said...

Wow, I am totally impressed. I may have to steal some of your ideas seeing that the squirrels had a feast on my bulbs. Then again, maybe I will wait until SOME day when we move.

And I love that electric stapler! Bonus!