Sunday, December 23, 2007

Rock Project "Day" Five

It's starting to look like something. I spent about four hours on a Saturday, cutting rocks for the second side, then another couple of hours finding some with specific shapes.

The "almond" color grout started out looking green when it first went in, but has lightened up overnight.

(Score so far: two sides have rock, using about one third of the total rocks available; one side has grout. Days left until Christmas: one.)

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Are Some Visitors More Welcome Than Others?

Other than the obvious, we don't really know what happened... we found this destruction the third morning after the big snow storm.

The street had been clean for a couple of days, but somebody jumped the curb and went another ten feet before hitting our sign.

The car and driver disappeared, except for part of a bumper left behind.

Call it a Bad Left Turn.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Rock Project "Day" Three

Drew's saw blades work wonders. We finally have enough rocks ready for one side to be glued down.