Friday, February 03, 2006

Vocal Experiment

I wouldn't say that I am a good singer. Sitting next to the Bishop on the stand, sometimes it seems like I am lost trying to find the right notes, and he is lost getting the words right. I would like to do better, but what does it take?

Kirk is trying to get a choir together to sing for ward conference, so a couple of weeks ago, I decided to give it a try. If I practice and learn the song, could I develop the confidence to do well?

The music that he has chosen this time is called "Bless Us With Your Love". It is kind of Mozarty. It has "Alleluias" with twice as many notes as sylables.

The first challenge is getting to choir practice. They want to have it "right after Church", meaning about 12:45 PM. That is also the time when everyone wants to do things. We count donations and make the deposit right after Church. People need things right after Church. Checks need to be printed and signed. Can't we set people apart right after Church? We really need to.

We don't have baptisms right after Church, they are at 1 PM.

What I did two weeks ago was I went to choir practice and they called me out as they needed me to sign checks or whatever, but I kept my MP3 player/recorder running while I was gone. Now, going to and from work, I can sing along to Kirk's instructions.

I may be getting better. We'll see.