Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Trimming Maple Branches

The Saturday before our trip, we were working in the yard and decided to trim the maple branches that hang down in the next door neighbor's yard. See if you can spot anything important in the picture that I missed:

We set up a ladder under the branches and had the pruning shears ready, I climbed up there and pulled the branch down and hit myself in the back of the head with a huge hornet's nest. It made the hornets very angry. I jumped down, stumbled, and splatted flat on the ground, then jumped up again and flailed my arms around, running and yelling like an idiot. I had to get the hose and hose myself off before I got them out of my hair and shirt collar.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Green Industries Seem to be Booming (in Mexico)

Driving in on I-80 toward Omaha, we kept passing windmill blades being transported on trucks going the other way. We were behind another one going the other way and took pictures of it at Little America.

The transport escort said that they were driving up from Mexico and going to Washington State. They must have been resting up for the night before facing the canyons in Utah.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Yard and Garden Update

We tore out the overgrown bushes along the garage, so now the walkway (where I go in and out every day) is a part of the side yard. The bushes were replaced with a rock run that will handle the rainwater from the downspout that would otherwise come down in the new foundation shade garden.

View from the back patio:

Things are growing well in the butterfly garden. We will have to do something with the stray maple tree soon.